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Building Moxie Archive :: (Updated) 106 Miles to . . . the Remodeling Show

Help Some Fellas Out

This is Me (Shout to Dawn Kearney Photography):


This is Barry:


This is the Blues Brothers (Possibly my all time favorite movie clip):

* insert Blues Brothers clip here *


This is Chicago:


This is Baltimore:


This was Building Moxie‘s coverage of the Remodeling Show 2010:


This is the logo for the Remodeling Show, “co-hosted” by NAHB & Hanley Wood:


The show is being held in Chicago, IL from October 12, 2011 to October 15, 2011

This is the current cost for two round trip tickets from Baltimore to Chicago:


This is Building Moxie‘s current available travel budget:


I mean — we could go here:


. . . that’s Delta Faucet Company’s flagship showroom DREAM2O (Dream Two Ohhhh, aka Faucet Heaven) at Chicago’s Merchandise Mart (Scheduled to open on May 5th):

image via Sarah Marseille


OK those are the facts… and with all this talk recently amongst friends about KBIS (this week), and at the center of the universe for what we do — we really want to make it to Chicago this year.  But chances are, it will not happen without help.  If I happen to place a  PayPal widget in our sidebar, well, we will accept contributions there.

We are willing to take on sponsorship of our trip.  That is — we will don your clothing, dispense your goodies, spread good will, or even remove our shirts completely and flex-pose << OK probably not that last one.  But really anything you want.  We will be there to represent you (as well as ourselves) and we will help provide coverage on your behalf.   So, if you feel like helping some fellas out (and wanna feel good while doing it).


Update (7.9.11):  While I have had a number of conversations with prospective sponsors, nothing is quite finalized.  As a note and if I do not state this explicitly above, any arrangement that would be made would not only include presence at the show — it would also include spotlight placement on the blog, here:  ads, links and postings.  As well as much coverage and love through our twitter and facebook outlets.  Thank you.

Thanks for reading — wish us luck, and only 106 miles to go. ~jb

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