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Building Moxie Archive: The Blogger 19 Reunion & My Mom’s Kitchen Remodel Finished with a Faucet


Before my Ride and Drive with John Deere, before my short internship with Thos. Moser, before Barry visited the Genie Company, and before the GE Monogram Experience, there was Brizo and the Blogger 19.

What’s the Blogger 19?

Well, Brizo – the high-end faucet manufacturer, bundles 19 ultra-talented bloggers (many designers) and summons them to New York City’s Mercedes Benz Fashion Week twice a year.  And since the Winter of 2010, seven groups total (or good with math – 133 individuals) have attended this event. I was a fortunate member that did New York in February. (Yeah! I know. Go figure!)

So I guess it was inevitable, yep – to get all those fine people together in one location … eventually. But it’s happening >> Memphis – Next Week – the Blogger 19 Reunion.

Why Memphis?

Well, Graceland! … kidding, but I know, right?

Memphis is the home of Brizo’s production facility (it’s actually in Jackson,TN) and Memphis is the home of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Brizo has long been a supporter, and especially of Hospital’s annual Dream Home Giveaway and Fundraiser … providing fixtures for the kitchens and baths in these homes.


As a Blogger … 133 … group, we’ll have two days packed with events. And I’d suspect we’ll get a good look too at Brizo‘s latest – the Hydrati 2|1. (Which I posted on, including a video, here >> Installing a Handheld 2-in-1 Shower Head.) These are two-stage shower heads that offer both an embedded and detachable hand shower, plus two separate and independent streams of water. Neat!

We’re also being promised entertainment at a private Memphis Jazz Club. Mmmm, and I gotta think there’s gonna be some BBQ in there somewhere. I really am kinda looking forward to it all … especially as I will get to hang with some old friends and make some new ones (I hope … many of whom are true blogging heroes).

I hope to keep you updated about the goings-on via our Facebook page. For all posts from Building Moxie featuring Brizo or Delta, here.


My Mom Finishes Her Kitchen Remodel by Adding a Brizo Talo Faucet

It’s probably a good time to point out that on attending that original Fashion Week Event, Brizo generously provided me with my pick of faucets. I chose a gorgeous Talo, complete with SmartTouch Technology and I then promptly gifted it to Mama Moxie (my mom).  Good son?

Well, after much research, several designs, and dancing with numerous contractors, she finally had it installed … along with and during a full kitchen redo.  (Unfortunately, I couldn’t work out the timing to be around when the faucet went in. *sad face*)

Have a look.


I’ll go out by saying, I extended my layover in Atlanta on Friday in the hopes of taking some additional meetings down South. Well, I was not able to work anything out, yet.  So, I will be in Atlanta most of the day next Friday, just looking for something to do.  Have a suggestion or want to grab a cup of coffee? Let me know. (Follow Up: That layover lead to the post – Inside the Pro’s Home – the Architects’ Condo Remodel.  That post included coverage of my visit to the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Wonderful weekend all. ~jb

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