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Building Moxie Archive: Remodeler Spotlight :: Da Vinci Remodeling (Denver)


I guess you are doing something right when a peer — met only recently — asks for your opinion on a newly developed blog.  Paul Coates — the driver behind Da Vinci Remodeling (@DaVinciRemodel) was quick to engage me shortly after I posted the Building Moxie fan page. We discussed, though only briefly, his plans to develop a blog.  And when I asked recently how it was coming along, he responded something like this, “Here . . . have a look . . . . Let me know what you think; we are launching soon.”

When I finally caught up (just a few days ago), I found a fairly simple and straight forward blog.  (And please let me qualify the next statement by saying — this is coming from a guy who felt that he needed to add every bell and whistle to hissss recent blog redesign.) It is always refreshing to find a website where the design does not stand in the way of a clear message. A site that is written by people who know — not just by people who, well . . . know how to write.  (Not to say, of course, that Paul isn’t a good writer.)


I also found a remodeling company that seems to simply get it. A post from March and on the topic of What is the Best Return on Investment for Your Home? The answer there in the second paragraph — not “Mid-End Kitchen Remodel”, “HVAC System Upgrade” or “Building A Deck.”  But rather, and quoted, “Maintain a three-ring binder where you keep a chronological record of all the maintenance, repairs and enhancements made to your home . . . .”  Wow!

Get this — they actually encourage their clients to . . . participate.  They encourage their clients, with the help of a simple program, to record everything  that happens within their home.  The idea — you made the investment, why not protect it.  Protect it by developing a centralized “House and Home” document (the name of Da Vinci‘s related service) that is used to organize, map and . . . communicate (especially helpful at resale) the larger life of the house.

Via an Ultra Lite version too, they offer assistance to DIYers. With a simple Newsletter subscribe, individuals are mailed a list of reminders, tips and motivation at the beginning of each and every new season.  TheUltra Light edition of “House and Home” is — free.  And double Wow!


With “House and Home,” Da Vinci seems to capture something that some remodelers do not seem to grasp — Empowered, engaged and informed homeowners are happier, easier to communicate with, and are usually easier to please.  With the help of pros like Paul, they understand all or at least part of what it takes to make this or that project happen.  Practically speaking — if they know how to tighten the nut on a closet bolt, they are not calling you, as the team who completed a project, for warranty service.  I mean — it is elementary to me, a smart business practice.

Rant Warning: For homeowners now — who better knows and who should better know your house then, well, you.  And to digress briefly — It is a general passivity, on the part of some homeowners,  that has made homeownership what it now — something that can be walked away from with no more than a single bad stamp on a credit report (Big business these days — and did I actually write that?).  I will stop myself there.

Now for the Facts

Paul plans to officially launch the blog this Friday, May 7th, barring any acts of well. . . you know, and after one more post.  But . . . and I hope he is cool with me jumping the gun, here.  I like what he is doing and I am looking forward to watching him grow his presence here.

Paul, himself says he plans to post only twice a month, so don’t expect  his team to churn out day after day of posts.  (After all — who his going to keep alllll their remodeling jobs running.)  But do expect some really good info, with smatterings of industry-specific flare.

I am glad that Paul asked me to look. It was an honor — I found the kind of company I wish could extend their service area by about, oh . . . 1700 miles.  I wish this team well.

Thanks for Reading and BMoxie BMore!

More Moxie (Related Links):

Da Vinci on Your Home ::

Da Vinci is a high end, low volume remodeling company based in Denver, Colorado.  With only Paul and his partner working in the field (they physically do the work) and his wife part time in the office, they average 6-8 projects yearly.  Their business website can be found at

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