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Building Moxie Archive: Behind the Scenes with My Fix It Up Life :: An Interview with Mark & Theresa Clement


Last week, in Chicago, the 21st annual Hanley Wood-sponsored Remodeling Show went down. Now, if you have been around these parts, for awhile, you know then about our relationship with, well, it. In 2011, we put together the 106 Mile Fund and then, a year later, we were admittedly responsible for the 106 Yard Fund.

Click on those links if you feel you would like some context, but bottom line – we were not there this year.  This is notable, but only because I am coming at you today with something from … ha!, last year’s Show.


Last June (2012), I found myself on a radio show called My Fix It Up Life. It is skillfully hosted by the married team of Mark & Theresa Clement. I was on with them to talk about that very same 106 Yard Fund.

But it was in Baltimore, at the Show, that I had the opportunity to flip that script.

I mean – if you’ve been to (almost) any construction- or design-oriented trade show in the last few years, then likely you have seen them – set up somewhere in plain view and broadcasting. The Show last year provided an opportunity to sit down with them and have them fire back at some questions.

It just happened to take us (me and Barry) … a year to mix down the interview. (Yeah … animal-print pants out of control  … is how we roll.)

Listen (on site) below:




Be warned that at the beginning of the interview, my man Barry had to do some heavy handed editing … trying to get a complete question in and a straight answer isn’t necessarily the easiest across their always-on and light-hearted banter.

Through “home improving home improving” to writing to video, then through (sometimes national) TV appearances, their “baby” was born.

My Fix It Up Life, as they tell us, is “A Home Improvement Lifestyle Show.” It is for all people interested in the home. It is about “home and living in it” – the Journey, the Joy and Enjoying. Tips and Tricks. Saving time and saving money, but ultimately it is about helping folks “get what they want.”

We talk kids, and involving the kids, how they met and perhaps where they are going.


According to their site:

MyFixitUpLife airs in Mark & Theresa’s home-city of Philadelphia on WCHE 1520am on Saturdays at 10am, and then nationally on Thursdays at noon on BlogTalkRadio. See more at:

Mark I know is a learned carpenter. Similarly Theresa is accomplished designer. Recently, they were involved in those capacities with the pilot for the Cooking Channel show Save My Bakery. (“Our fingers are crossed.”)

Mark is an accomplished instructor, in fact – he presented at JLC Live when we were in Providence earlier in the year. Both have written for many top tier outlets, including among others: This Old House, Old House Journal and Popular Mechanics.

They are also deeply involved with neighborhood projects with Rebuilding Together. Of that relationship, they say – “They make an amazing difference for low-income homeowners, and the priority is for veterans, older individuals, and single-parent families.”


Thanks for taking the time guys and thanks to you for listening. You can follow along with Mark & Theresa @; they recently celebrated its 4th Anniversary. Cheers, Happy Anniversary and thanks again. ~jb

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