(Now, Say that 3 Times Fast)
I recall just recently making the statement, “As things are … I NEVER get the time to do discretionary projects.” I also recall recently (though about six months before making that above statement) … saying, “There are so many opportunities for bloggers, if they just took a look around them locally.”
So, in a way, these posts … *tongue in cheek* … kill those two birds with one stone.
Kim & Fred + Megan – Our Pinteresting Family
Baltimore Bloggers
I can thank friends Ethan and Jocie, Fred and Kim @ One Project Closer for getting this whole thing a-rolling. They hosted a party this past Friday officially – the Baltimore Bloggers Holiday Party. It was a super opportunity to meet a couple new-to-me local bloggers, great for getting a closer look at OPC’s now famous Workshop, and, in general, it was just nice being able to hang with people, at a party, and feel like I could be, well, completely out about these here, my blogging ways.
OPC’s Ethan with Josh – Dear Emmeline
More importantly, it forced my hand. The invitation said, “A White Elephant DIY Gift Exchange.” And while I certainly did not know initially what a “White Elephant” Exchange was, I also happened to be at a loss for a DIY Gift to give. Again – not much time to make things … that I can just give away. …
There, though – an opportunity. It was an opportunity for me to make that long-promised visit to Beth’s DIY Workshop. I was gonna build that long-ago-joked-about birdhouse. (Yes, that one’s for you @SplinterGirl.)
Beth’s DIY Workshop
I promise, I’ll tell you a little bit about building a birdhouse tomorrow, but before I do I want to give you a little bit about Beth’s Workshop – quite an inspiring venture.
Beth’s DIY Workshop, Tag Line: Where Imagination and Tools Meet, opened in 2008 under the eye and vision of Beth Dellow. She had created Baltimore’s first and (still) ONLY community woodworking and project support shop.
Fortunately for me, she opened right in my ‘hood, Lauraville. I mean – virtually in walking distance. Lauraville itself had been experiencing a revitalization for some years and Beth’s cropped up at what seemed like the perfect time.
Having moved down the street from its original location in December 2010, two floors now allow for both a fully stocked workshop downstairs, and for an “Oh Foo! I forgot that at the home center” hardware store upstairs.
In this space, she offers an active schedule of home improvement classes – many geared to the ladies out there. Upstairs also, she features a set of fully stocked reading nooks and, well, a practice wall. This partially drywalled … wall provides not only for framing, window, drywall and electrical tutorials, but it also acts as a great point of reference for folks who might walk in with questions.
Beth’s Resume
Beth has worked in home improvement field for over 32 years, and still takes on small home improvement jobs. She has taught how-to classes at Anne Arundel Community College. She has also been a welder, a machine operator/adjuster, an electrician’s helper, and the owner of a home inspection company as well as owner of Beth’s Home Repairs, etc.
My visit was well worth the $8 an hour for the shop time. I was in for about three hours total to build my birdhouse. Beth not only helped but she also supplied a selection of small project material (scrap and shorts) for no cost. I was also offered an unlimited supply of fasteners … and Glue! all the glue I could EVER need.
Tomorrow (I hope) I’ll be back to tell you how I built my birdhouse (the first I’ve ever made), but for now, I’ll say – it was mighty fun DIYing with someone else. Thanks Beth!

Gifts and Door Prizes
I was thankful to have met the great folks, Jessica and (husband) Josh, behind Dear Emmeline; they brought nifty cheesebox inventions. I also met Megan from Our Pinteresting Family. She brought this lovely necklace organizer. Megan happened to be the one who took home (graciously) my birdhouse.
Me, I walked away with one of Ethan’s custom bottle openers (two total made, and featured on the Art of Manliness). Plus you have to know that the folks at OPC had some really decent door prizes. I also took home a 12V Dewalt Cordless Reciprocating Saw. (Both Sweet!)
via the Art of Manliness
Great job coordinating Jocie, thanks for having me OPC, and thanks for reading. Back tomorrow with a birdhouse tutorial. ~jb
Well, now you have to make another birdhouse for the house. By the way, still have the pile of scraps? You could totally have a family of birdhouses. Seriously, I wih I lived closer to Baltimore!
As I’ve told you before, I probably have enough cedar to make idk like a 100 of these. It *was* a superb get together and I wish you lived closer to Baltimore too. ha! Thanks Amy.
Wow, a community workshop, what a great idea!! Thanks for your always kind words, JB!
you know it Jocie, I had a blast. I wish you continued success with The Better Half and hope we have a chance to hang again real soon. ~jb