This post is sponsored by Purolator Auto Filters, though of course the opinions found within are my own.


In a post a few weeks back, I worked with Nathan Deneault – a painting contractor and a self-described car guy. Also a videographer, he worked tirelessly to put together a fantastic video for Purolator, the auto filter maker.  In that video, and further in that post, Nathan (& I) provided the basic steps for changing your oil. Nathan placed this very basic DIY task against an up-tempo groove, making it new and invigorating.

Because we typically don’t deal in auto maintenance here, the “angle” and the tone of that video targets pros who consider or already choose to maintain their work vehicles themselves. (But ultimately it still gives a great overview for anyone looking to do a DIY Oil Change.)

While I know many contractors that maintain tight relationships with professional mechanics (sometimes equipment maintenance extends far beyond work vehicles), I know many pros too that do still choose to change their own oil.  In a way, it is somewhat “salt of the earth” … you know what I mean?  Working on your vehicle in some little way makes you feel, idk, more connected with it.

Note: oil recommendation on filler cap
Note the oil recommendation right on the filler cap

And picture it – changing my own oil, a blue ’77 VW Rabbit (yes, my first car) – it was likely the first thing I ever truly DIYed.  I feel pretty certain that I am not alone on that one.

Taking the time now to change my oil is not only an opportunity to revisit that point from my past, but it also yields occasion to reflect on why exactly I DIY. I mean – Why DIY?

“Because I can.”

“Because it is easy.”

“Because ‘if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself’.”

Yes, maybe a little bit of all of that. But more than anything for me, my truck is an essential DIY tool and I must visit with it, at least occasionally.  If not, there is no way it gets to 200k (currently @ 198.5k). And changing the oil just happens to be one simple way that I can do that.

More on Purolator Keep It Pure

As far as tips and tricks, I am not sure that I can offer much more than what Nathan provided above. Unlike Nathan, who chose an Purolator Classic filter, I decided to work with a Purolator PureOne filter. PureOne filters are said to provide an exclusive Micronic media that is 99.9% effective in trapping microscopic contaminants. I really don’t know about all of that, but I will say I did enjoy working with the super easy grip filter.

Purolator PureOne Grip Control

Purolator PureOne

And if you were wondering about Purolator as a brand, it is good to be reminded that they have been trusted by both diyers and pros for 90 years. Purolator, you see, invented the oil filter right here in the US way back then.


That’s it. Thanks for reading and happy motoring. Enjoy. ~jb