I know I owe you a post on my most recent trip to New York City and to see American Standard‘s New Product Design Center.  (Here’s Part 1.)  But today both Barry and I are off to Kentucky — Louisville to be exact and the GE Monogram Experience.  (Building Moxie‘s 4th official global summit . . . of sorts.)  And while I don’t have an exact head count, I know there will be a number of folks there that I recognize . . . at least by name (or by twitter handle).  In attendance too, there will be a number of the group that I spent q-time with at Brizo’s Fashion Week.  So stoked!

ge monogram logoSo . . . actually, I guess, in a way . . . I should go ahead and thank Brizo Faucets for this opportunity.  And for that Brizo opportunity, I guess I will go ahead thank Jody Brown of Coffee With an Architect dot com.  More directly though I need to thank Paula Cecere at the GE Monogram Design Center in the Architects & Designers (A&D) Building, New York City.  During the Am Stand trip, I slipped over to see her and her space. Beautiful! (and the space was good too.) Paula assembled at least a portion of list of those expected to post.  (Make sure to follow her and her team on twitter — @GEMonogramNYC).

elegant appliances :: Paula Cecere at the GE Monogram New York Design CenterPlan is — cook, eat, drink, partaaaay!  I mean — learn about GE‘s elegant appliances, Monogram line.  Part of which I had the pleasure to see in Paula’s showroom.  And in a way — I am fortunate to have done a little time with Monogram whilst I was with the *ahem* builder.  But that’s going on five years now — so we’ll have to see what’s up (and I promise to report back).  (Friend Nick Lovelady from @cupboards posted recently on the new 30″ frig . . . adding a lot more flexibility in planning, and especially in urban settings.)

A quick tidbit I heard from . . . you-don’t-need-Google-when-you’ve-got-wiki-wiki Paul Anater.  Paul tells me (and I think he is a vet of this trip — not sure) . . . he tells me that when GE Appliances was looking to relocate a portion of their operations to Kentucky and coming from Connecticut — they demanded that the state move Louisville (I think) to (and because they needed all their offices in) the Eastern Standard Time.  Quick question:  What time zone is Louisville in?

More on the GE Trip and the #GEJune (twitter) hashtag from friend Carmen Christensen, here > http://time2designinc.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-is-gejune.html.  Follow the #GEJune stream for live action from the participants and I hope to get a few things up on our Facebook page as we go, here > http://www.facebook.com/buildingmoxie.


Generally it’s been hectic around here.  Ups and Downs, I need to spend a little q-time working on optimizing our site (last WP update seemed to slow it a little).  Have, however, been getting a lot of good and interesting and promise calls, dms and emails lately.  The 106 Mile Fund in up to $408 and I have been engaged by at least two significant sponsors, though no news to report officially . . . yet.

Bob Vila twitter iconOh . . . and then there is the whole Bob Vila (1.2 million followers) thing.  After my post last week, and it seems he is starting to finally follow back a few of us in the construction/home improvement niche . . . he engaged me in a short mention/dm communication on twitter.  And it appears that (as far as I can tell) that maybe Building Moxie “broke the news” that he is starting a weekly Q&A session — every Thursday at 1PM EST.  That hashtag is #getreadythurs.

With the help of gutsy friend Alycia Wicker — we then received affirmation that it is in fact — Bob Vila.  As Alycia put it — “the one with the beard” …. you know him.  And I hope that we all could jump on (if you the topic is a topic of interest) and help him (someone that has helped many) get this thing off the ground (and yeah you can tell ‘im Building Moxie sent ya).  And anyway . . .


Bottom line — posts might be erratic for awhile, but bear with us and thanks.  Official post 300 here and more on American Standard and NYC soon. ~ jb


Update:  Straight from @BobVila himself —  the #getreadythurs topic for 6.23 will be Exteriors — painting and painting tools + staining — chuck him a question.

8 thoughts on “Building Moxie Archive: Bourbon, Bats & Beautifully Elegant Appliances :: A Visit to GE in June

  1. you’re the man — great post over @cupboards. We’ll see yous soon and travel safe. thanks Nick.

  2. I challenge you to come back and cook all sorts of delightful dishes for Jen and the girls. Then they’ll really appreciate your trip to KY! Have fun. You totally Rock!

  3. that’s “Building Moxie :: Now with 50% more human interactions!” There it is written and it shall live on in history. *hugs* sis!

  4. it would take more than a few days to have this guy crank out “delish dishes”… she is good to me for letting me come. (and I miss the girls) It’s already an experience (a GE Experience) and it is gonna be. a. good. time!

  5. thanks John. The session was great… learned a lot about appliances and food in general. I’ll get some posts up on it soon. and thanks for the comment — I hope you are well.

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